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Rebuttal: The Continued Viability and Importance of Solar Water Heating

Alternate Energy Technologies (AET), Green Cove Springs, FL

In response to the article titled "Solar Domestic Water Heating is Dead," published on October 24, 2015, by an unnamed author, we at Alternate Energy Technologies (AET) feel it is imperative to address the misconceptions and outdated views presented. While the article's author claims that solar domestic water heating is no longer economically viable, we believe this assertion is both misleading and inaccurate. In this rebuttal, we aim to clarify the current state of solar water heating, highlight its benefits, and dispel the myths that have been perpetuated over the past nine years.

The Economic Viability of Solar Water Heating

Current Cost and Efficiency Improvements

The article's claim that solar water heating is economically unviable fails to consider the technological advancements and cost reductions that have occurred since 2015. Solar water heating systems have become more efficient and affordable, making them a worthwhile investment for many homeowners. Modern systems are designed to maximize energy capture and utilization, significantly reducing the reliance on backup electric heaters.

Realistic Payback Periods

While the author suggests that the payback period for solar water heaters is unattractive, this does not reflect current market realities. Advances in solar technology, combined with state and federal incentives, have shortened payback periods considerably. Homeowners can often recoup their investments within 5-7 years, depending on their hot water usage patterns and local energy costs.

Quantifiable Benefits and Savings

Measurable Energy Savings with SolFlux Controller

Contrary to the article's claims, the energy savings from solar water heating can now be quantified accurately, thanks to advancements like the SolFlux controller. The SolFlux Smart Solar Hot Water Controller from SunEarth provides real-time monitoring and data on energy production and usage, enabling homeowners to track and optimize their systems effectively. This innovative technology uses advanced algorithms and sensor devices to deliver precise energy usage and savings data, debunking the myth that solar water heating savings are speculative.

The SolFlux controller highlights efficiencies by:

  • Providing real-time data on hot water usage and system performance.
  • Offering insights into energy savings and system efficiency.
  • Allowing for easy monitoring and adjustments to maximize savings.


Environmental Impact

Beyond economic considerations, solar water heating offers significant environmental benefits. By reducing reliance on fossil fuels and lowering greenhouse gas emissions, solar water heaters contribute to a more sustainable future. For eco-conscious homeowners, these environmental benefits are a compelling reason to invest in solar technology.

The study by the California Energy Commission on GHG reduction technologies for water heating electrification highlights the potential of solar water heating to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions. It found that integrating solar water heating systems can result in a substantial decrease in energy consumption and CO2 emissions, reinforcing the environmental benefits of these systems​ (MDPI)​​ (ScienceDaily)​.

Addressing Misconceptions

Diverse Household Scenarios

The article highlights various household scenarios to argue that solar water heating may not be suitable for everyone. However, this overlooks the versatility of solar water heating systems. Whether for a small household or a large family, solar water heaters can be tailored to meet specific needs. Additionally, hybrid systems that combine solar with other heating technologies can optimize efficiency and reliability.

Technological Integration

The integration of solar water heating with other renewable energy systems, such as solar photovoltaics (PV) and heat pumps, can enhance overall energy efficiency. Combining these technologies allows homeowners to harness the strengths of each system, resulting in comprehensive energy solutions that are both cost-effective and environmentally friendly.

Incentives and Rebates for Solar Water Heating in Florida

Florida offers a range of incentives and rebates to support the adoption of solar water heating systems. These incentives significantly reduce the initial investment costs, making solar water heating even more attractive:

  • Inflation Reduction Act (IRA): Homeowners can claim 30% of the cost of installing a solar water heating system on their federal tax return, reducing the upfront cost of the system .
  • Florida Solar Energy System Incentives Program: This state program offers rebates to residential customers who install solar water heating systems, with specific rebate amounts varying based on the system's capacity and efficiency .
  • Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Financing: PACE programs allow homeowners to finance the upfront cost of solar water heating installations and repay the costs over time through their property taxes. This financing option can make solar water heating more accessible by eliminating the need for large upfront payments .
  • Local Utility Rebates: Various local utilities in Florida offer rebates and incentives for solar water heating systems. These programs vary by utility but can provide substantial savings for homeowners .


Solar water heating remains a viable and beneficial option for many homeowners, contrary to the outdated views presented in the 2015 article. Advances in technology, improved efficiency, and the ability to quantify energy savings with the SolFlux controller make solar water heating a practical investment. Moreover, the environmental benefits of reducing greenhouse gas emissions further underscore the importance of this technology.

At Alternate Energy Technologies (AET), we are committed to providing our customers with accurate information and high-quality solar solutions. We believe that solar water heating, far from being dead, continues to offer significant advantages in the pursuit of sustainable and cost-effective energy use. For more details on the SolFlux controller and its capabilities, please visit SunEarth SolFlux. 


  • Deason, J., Wei, M., Leventis, G., Smith, S., & Schwartz, L. (2018). Electrification of buildings and industry in the United States: Drivers, barriers, prospects, and policy approaches. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
  • Plaisted, J.R. (2020). Assessment of GHG Reduction Technologies for Water Heating Electrification in California. Flagstaff Research.
  • Tarroja, B., AghaKouchak, A., Samuelsen, S., & Wei, M. (2018). Evaluating options for balancing the water–electricity nexus in California: Part 1—securing water availability in a changing climate. Energy.